Enjoy the May 18th edition of the AHN Office of Development e-newsletter, All for Good, a publication for all donors.
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All for Good May 18th, 2022
Remarkable Moments
The A.J. and Sigismunda Palumbo Charitable Trust Helps Students, Staff, and Caregivers "Chill"

With grant funding from the A.J. and Sigismunda Palumbo Charitable Trust, more individuals will receive critical mental health support through the Chill Project by Allegheny Health Network (AHN). The program transforms the delivery of behavioral health in schools by offering localized, integrated services—such as mindfulness practices—to school communities.

The Chill Project is offered through the AHN Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Institute and benefits students, educators, and families. Thanks in part to four years of support from the A.J. and Sigismunda Palumbo Charitable Trust, the Chill Project has been able to serve 18 schools, logged over 13,000 encounters with students, supported more than 750 educators and administrators, and logged more than 1,500 encounters with parents and caregivers.

Chill Project

Be a Hero Now
Thank you to our #AHNheroes for your continuous support to AHN.
Dr. Bailey Runs Boston Marathon for Cancer Research

Dr. Bailey Boston Marathon

Dr. Bailey with his son Sam

In 2013, Dr. Stephen Bailey’s father was diagnosed with locally advanced stage IV esophageal cancer. Dr. Bailey, chair of the AHN Cardiovascular Institute and system chair of the AHN Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, says his father had an extraordinary medical team that believed in him and provided aggressive, innovative chemo and radiation therapy that cured his disease and extended his life by eight years. Last month, Dr. Bailey ran the Boston Marathon to raise funds for cancer research at the Dana Farber Cancer Center in memory of his father, who passed away just a year ago. For every dollar raised over his original goal, Dr. Bailey plans to match with a donation to support AHN cancer patients.

Did You Know
May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

If you or a loved one lives with a mental illness, AHN can help. We have a wide range of providers with different experiences and specialties, including treatment for depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.

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Philanthropy in the News

The Jewish Women’s Foundation Supports Maternal and Infant Mental Health

Image of Hands in middle on top of one another

For those faced with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, research has shown that treatment should target the mother-infant relationship in addition to the mothers' depressive symptoms to improve the developing mother-child relationship. The Jewish Women’s Foundation awarded the AHN Women’s Behavioral Health grant funding to support a ‘best-in-class’ integrative model of care that addresses the needs of both women and children, a unique two-part modality not commonly offered in the traditional healthcare setting.

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COVID News Update
COVID-19 Resources

From scheduling vaccine appointments to finding a test location and answers to frequently asked questions, AHN is here to guide and support you on all things coronavirus. Be sure to review our new visitation policy.

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Allegheny Health Network Office of Development
4818 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15224 | 412-578-4427